Welcome to a digital garden of my research and ideas, unfolding over time. It’s a bit of a mess, but a garden is to be shared, so it is open for wandering!

Artist Shunkei Mori, circa 1889.

I’m particularly interested in …

  • accessible health modalities: what methods empower people to be active agents in their healing process?
  • building sustainable and resilient communities
    • communication and group dynamics: how these facilitate and can be challenging aspects of community living and collaborative projects
  • universal basic services—how providing a baseline of human needs can enable greater health and flourishing.
  • car-free cities and towns & human-scale community design.
  • liturgies for modern times: how do we cultivate rituals that speak to us today, that help cultivate connection and meaning?
  • anarchism in everyday life: how to enable the practice of mutual aid in our day-to-day lives.

Interconnected Systems of Health

My current research is on interconnected systems of health: categorizing health into four systems (physical, and mental, environmental, and collective) and how these systems of health intricately depend on one another. I aim to highlight initiatives that connect these areas of health for a clearer understanding of how important they each are to supporting our ecosystem as a whole.

How do our social, political and economic structures block our physical, mental, and environmental health? How could we structure our world so that these systems of health support one another?
The intersection of physical health and environmental health can be seen in how our own nourishment depends on the health of the environment around us (air, water, soil quality, biodiversity).

The way I’ve organized this so far is through a personal wiki-style “garden of ideas.” There are sprouts aplenty, and much pruning still needed. Enter the garden 🌱

Make contact

If you’re interested in chatting about any of these or other topics, I’d be happy to connect. I’m partial to synchronous communications: let’s find a time to meet. Or write to hello at danyala dot org.

Here’s what i’m up to now.

On the Bookshelf



”I roasted broccoli and thought of you.” ~K

P.S. A note about this site

This is a work in progress, like all of life. I’m cultivating this site day by day. Broken links likely mean something hasn’t been made public yet, but it hopefully will be soon!

P.S. I’m on Team Permanent Standard Time.