Articles, resources

Dopamine Nation

Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence - Anna Lembke

  • pleasure and pain are co-located in the brain, they work like opposite sites of a balance (teeter totter)
  • how do we not lose ourselves in the chase for the

Sabbath as Traditional Dopamine Reset Practice?

Could the practice of sabbath be a traditional way of doing a dopamine reset each week?

Meditation or Nondoing as Dopamine Break Practice

Niksen is an increasingly popular Dutch relaxation technique where you relinquish control and just … stop. When thoughts occur, you don’t interrogate them or imagine them being carried away on balloons, you just let them occur. At a time when meditative practices can feel like yet another thing to do, niksen is liberatingly simple. Stop doing everything right now. Congratulations, you just did a niksen. It is essentially sanctioned daydreaming. 1

