Thinking, being, doing mind

Thinking mind - we know very well
Doing mind - we also know well.
Being mind - the one we don’t know so well. Meditation is how we learn about being mind. Just being with reality as it is, no need to create or destroy anything. Some effort has to be made to learn to unlearn, to learn not to do/unlearn doing. ^[Mingyur Rinpoche]

Being mind

If people are still, they naturally tend towards compassion. It’s disturbance that brings you towards destructive emotions. ^[Cortland Dahl on the Wisdom Podcast]

modern householder yogi

Habit of doing

The essence of Meditation is what we call “awareness.” What is awareness? Being with whatever you see, hear, think, and feel — all of this. You just be with that. This is, in one way, very easy, but sometimes, especially at the beginning, some people feel it is quite difficult because we have a strong habit of doing things.

I have had discussions with a lot of great scientists. They do great work and have a lot of wonderful discoveries, but the problem is they do not know how to be. Learning how to be comes from Meditation.

Normally, there is what I call “the thinking mind”; there is “the feeling mind”; and there is “the habitual mind,” but “the being mind” is very difficult to discover. But this being mind is the key point to really discovering the nature of yourself; the nature of phenomena. 1


busy mind thinks about everything, and so feels busy. But the practical reality is never that busy or chaotic. Our mind is chaotic, and then it perceives everything as chaotic.
—Sayadaw U Tejaniya

Being mind & environment

Being vs doing in self-compassion

comforting, soothing, validating, affirming
^ why do we diminish these roles and activities??

protecting, helping, motivating, providing, guiding

being, connecting, seeing

A verb-ed presentation of Joy of Living’s awareness, compassion, and wisdom.
being • connecting/tenderizing • seeing/knowing clearly

Shamatha, resting with being mind, connecting to awareness, learning to be with experience just as it is.

Connecting to others, touching into our tender hearts of genuine connection (tender heart of sadness)

Seeing clearly: recognizing how things really are, knowing the filters and habits of delusion we generally operate under, until we bring awareness and see experience more clearly.


  1. Mingyur Rinpoche, Heart of Tantra Course