One of my grounding activities is lying on the floor, either flat on the ground, in a twist, or with legs up the wall or in constructive rest position. Or sometimes rolling around, with knees up and rocking. This helps me ground and settle, rest and untangle from the day’s activities.
In dwelling, live close to the ground.
In thinking, keep to the simple.
~Lao Zi, Dao De Jing
In thinking about how grounding I find being on the floor, lying or sitting on the floor, I’ve also been thinking about floor living: the idea of designing my environment to support spending more time closer to the ground. One clear precedent for this is in traditional Japanese culture: sitting and sleeping on tatami mats, with low tables, so one spends a great deal more time connected to the ground.
Physical benefits include more use of knees and opening of hips from sitting cross-legged and using our muscles to move from standing to the ground and vice versa.