Systems of Interbeing: Mapping Interconnected Systems of Health

Over the past few years I’ve explored a wide range of interests that I’ve begun to unify as interconnected systems of health: environmental, social, physical and mental health. I’m interested in drawing connections between fields of study, ideas, projects and organizations that relate to each of these areas and assembling useful resources for others who are looking to engage in beneficial fields.

To begin, I’ve been researching the dependencies between systems of health and describing examples of the interrelation between physical, mental, social, and environmental health1.

The main goals of this project are illuminating intersecting initiatives that support multiple systems of health at the same time and exploring how to reduce blockages to accessing greater health in each area. See: accessibility!

Visual index here: a map to begin walking the territory.


  1. These are in no particular order of hierarchy: as interconnected systems of health, when one aspect is unhealthy, the others become out of balance too. So it is crucial to support health in all of these areas to maintain the entire ecosystem (which includes all of its inhabitants).

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